I have recently noticed more and more articles looking into metal and punk in different countries, and decided to point to a few of them here. Really, this a pretty lazy post in which I'm not adding anything new, just throwing out a few links some readers may find interesting.
Japan has been cranking out influential heavy music for years, and here in Australia, we are already lucky enough to have Japanese bands touring pretty frequently. Just a few highlights that spring to my mind from recent years are Boris, Unholy Grave, Numb, Birushanah, Realized and Sete Star Sept...and there have been many others. We've also got Cyberne coming back soon, and the very exciting news that Church of Misery will be headlining this year's Doomsday Festival. Nonetheless, I still enjoyed Craig Hayes' two part feature on Japanese metal at PopMatters, with part one giving a brief historical overview and part two focusing on a handful of standout bands.
Nippon Riffin': Part 1
Nippon Riffin': Part 2
Egypt, Libya and Tunisia
A part of the world whose music I'm much less familiar with is North Africa. So it was interesting to read Alasdair Bulmer's pieces for Invisible Oranges on metal in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. I don't know if there are going to be further installments in this series but if there are, I'll post them further down the road.
African Metal #1: Egypt
African Metal #2: Libya and Tunisia

Women of Mexican Hardcore: Mariana Huerta - Antagonisten
One final note: if you have any interest in magazines that are printed on actual paper, I would also recommend Annick Giroux's "World Downfall" column in Iron Fist magazine, featuring interviews with bands from all around the globe (I've only read the ones from Malaysia and Turkey, but they're well worth checking out).
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