Friday, 2 November 2012

Renegades: Metalheads in Botswana

I was sent a couple of links today (thanks Dave) that opened my eyes to the existence of a small but strong and growing metal community in Botswana. The Lemmy/Rob Halford inspired leather-clad rebellion of Batswana metalheads was captured in Renegades, an exhibition by South African photographer, Frank Marshall. Since the exhibition has been covered fairly widely already, I'll let the material speak for itself, except to say horns up!

Frank Marshall, Dethguard, 2010
You can see photos from the exhibition on the Rooke Gallery website, which provides both a slideshow and the complete exhibition catalogue (PDF download). The catalogue also contains an introduction discussing the Renegades' relationships to Botswana's society and to broader heavy metal culture.

Some of the photos are also on Marshall's website (, along with other examples of his work (there's a live Carcass photo in there).


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