Friday, 27 July 2012

Wolves Carry My Name - Amongst Ruins and Ashes

A quiet night trawling through bandcamp can yield some excellent finds. That's how I first stumbled across the fantastic self-titled album by Olde Growth, which has since been released on CD by MeteorCity and vinyl by Hydro-Phonic, and the incredible 2011 demo from Lycus, which has also received the vinyl treatment through Flenser Records. Do yourself a favour and check both of those out if you haven't yet.

Similarly, the ancient ones last night offered up the gift of Wolves Carry My Name, from Siegen, Germany.

Their 6 track release, "Amongst Ruins and Ashes" twists and turns through a huge range of influences, from expansive delay-filled post-rock to spiteful, abrasive sludge to downright neck-breaking riffery, with a little tribal drumming thrown in for good measure. But rather than sounding patched together and unfocused, the whole thing creates a cohesive beast that makes you want to follow along on its dark adventures. In this way, Wolves Carry My Name come across kind of like Adelaide's Hydromedusa, though with a shorter attention span.

While some may find the sound on "Amongst Ruins and Ashes" a bit clean, the production allows the music's variety to show through while at the same time keeping its lupine fangs sunk deep into you. And the harsh aggravation in the vocals dumps some very welcome dirt over the top of everything anyway.

In short, this thing is killer. Listen for yourself here. More info, including getting physical copies direct from the band here.


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